Our Board of Directors has a shared commitment to inclusiveness, justice and equal opportunity. We serve all the culturally diverse residents of Martha’s Vineyard.
We encourage every Island community member to stand firm in the fight to protect civil rights and opposition to racism and hate. Even amid polarizing times, we welcome the opportunity to…
We're looking for volunteers to join our Board of Directors. If you're interested, please contact us today!
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Find out more about the emergency rental assistance program below.
Rental Assistance

During the week of November 9th, all members of Martha's Vineyard police departments - Edgartown. Tisbury, Oak BIuffs}, West Tisbury, Chilmark, and Aquinnah - will engage in Implicit/Unconscious Bias training (understanding, implementing, and accountability) in an on-island series of seminars given by Hillard Heintze, a security risk management team based in Chicago. "l have worked…

MVSJLF joins the NAACP Legal Defense Fund in mourning the loss of social justice activist and civil rights icon John Lewis. He is now a "guardian angel" who left us a blueprint of what to do next.
“Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle…

This year, the U.S. Census Bureau will complete its 24th decennial census. This nationwide survey accepts household responses through October 31, 2020. It is an essential tool that leaders and organizations use to allocate funds for emergency preparedness, infrastructure needs, health resources, food programs, and many services that improve the lives of families and children.

The American Civil Liberties Union has stood for social justice for every cause for 100 years. This year’s annual dinner in Boston celebrates the organization’s history and features US Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), head of the House Investigations Committee during the impeachment hearings, and also DeRay McKesson, a leader in the Black Lives Matter movement…
As 2020 begins, we believe it is important to reflect on the injustices, struggles, and challenges of this past year (and decade), but also to recognize seeds of change and generative action. The long arc that bends toward justice can be difficult to discern from close up.
We are the Martha’s Vineyard Social Justice Leadership Foundation…
Massachusetts State Senator Julian Cyr introduces United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to a full house. Photo: Director Devin Reston
Senator Warren Answers her Dukes County Constituents Questions, Photo: Director Devin Reston
Senator Warren Arrival
2017 Retrospective
In 2017, the Martha’s Vineyard Social Justice Leadership Foundation (MVSJLF) hosted two community forums on immigration and worked with the…
Helpful information and resources for the Brazilian Community of Martha's Vineyard from the Oak Bluffs Police Department.
Informateis e recursos para a comunidade brasileira Martha's Vineyard pelo Departamento de Polcia de Oak Bluffs.
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